Wednesday, December 20, 2006

I pretty much want an XBox 360. All my buddies are getting but alas I am not. Wendy is probably sick of me asking my friends to sway her, hopefully she still laughs.

The other issue with the XBox is that she does not want me to hook it up to the plasma. So do I go out spend money on another TV so I can play my XBox in HD? Seriously, why even purchase the 360 or any next generation console if you don't have a nice TV to hook it up to? To me that is pointless, playing a 360 on dark age TV technology.

My friend Matt says he wants to talk his wife into getting a new TV as well so he can hook his XBox up to that. For him it's a little different though since his wife routinely works a goofy schedule. Sometimes nights, sometimes on the weekend too.

I don't know, this is a battle not worth waging I am sure since I know in the future I will get it eventually anyway. Patience is a virtue and I should be happy my life is so great. When I think about people in other countries we have it so good here in the USA and we should be proud of that.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Holy Crap, how does life move so darn fast? I have not logged onto this site in ages it seems like... Anyway, I have had a son, who you can see on my blog. Man he is a cute kid, must be good genes or something. Good thing my wife is hot! :)

Work is going, I think it is time to get away from systems. I am talking to someone in planning next week after I get back from the annual Milwaukee trip. I hope it bears fruit because I think am ready for some change.

Bowl season starts tonight, TCU vs. NIU... Who cares, seriously. These useless bowl games to get teams on TV who are never on national TV. It's time for a playoff IMHO. This past weekend every other division, including the NAIA crowned a national champion in football using a playoff system. Of course the obvious dilemma is money which is too bad. Everyone makes money except for the guys out there killing themselves every Saturday in the fall.

What else... In 2 days we make the yearly pilgrimage to Milwaukee, Wisconsin for Christmas. I can't wait, time away from work and time with friends and family. Until next time, Zai Jin!