Sunday, August 26, 2007

Brown Dog Cafe

I know our anniversary is still a couple of days away but we decided to celebrate a few days early. A busy week is ahead culminating with a trip to NJ for some partying. Due to this we went to Brown Dog Cafe on Friday night and it was splendid.

We started with a couple of appetizers, a crab and lobster spring roll and a fancy take on a Mexican salad with beef. For dinner Wendy had lamb and I had duck and they were both magnificent. To finish some key lime pie and coffee. All in all we rate the "Dog" DTU, double thumbs up. A link to this wonderful restaurant is below.

Brown Dog Cafe

All in all it has been a weekend of great food because last night we went to Dewey's. Regarded as one of the best pizza places in town. They serve all kinds of wacky pizza including one that is called Edgar Allen Poe. A link to Dewey's is below.

Dewey's Pizza

Only 5 more days til we are in NJ and we can't wait. That is all for now.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Upbeat Casual

What is upbeat casual anyway? My sister says that on Saturday, during her 5th anniversary function, we can wear upbeat casual clothing. I think one could surmise that depending on where you live that could mean completely different things. Lisa thought that folks only in places like New York or Chicago would have a clue. I will refer back to my wedding for a Cincinnati example but there is one caveat. There is a huge discrepancy as to how one dresses depending on if you reside on the east or west side of town.

We asked for Black Tie Optional hoping that people would wear at least suits and nice dresses and not the typical hill billy wear that I have seen at many a Cincinnati wedding. Fortunately for us we succeeded but for a couple of cases. Most of our friends are like us and are socially astute and wore appropriate attire. We did however have a couple of people wear khakis and a collared shirt which in my mind is not wedding appropriate if Black Tie Optional is requested. The people wearing said clothing were locals so as we all know, it is all relative.

My brother says you would not want to ask for upbeat casual in Rapid City. To be honest, I am not sure in Sodus the upbeat casual attire would be any better. Regardless I am going to wear some slacks and a nice shirt; most likely a button down. Hopefully that will suffice on my sister's 5th anniversary.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Birthday Parties and Summer Heat

We had a birthday bash for my son Owen on Saturday. We had 6 kids in the house under the age of 4, only 2 of which could not walk. It was entertainment to say the least and some would call it birth control. All in all it was good time but in some regard I am glad it's over.

Below is a picture of Owen eating his birthday cake:

Below is a picture of Owen opening his presents:

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Humans as Lima Beans?

According to many scientists humans are regarded as lima beans by great white sharks. So I ask, why are we so afraid of them? Check out the video below:

Great White Shark Video

Tonight is golf night and it's supposed to 100 today. I can't wait, it will be so much fun!

Monday, August 06, 2007

Heat Advisory

Some people are getting rained on every day, some people get no rain and their lawns die. Below is a picture of my back yard and as you can see someone has built a pyramid back there. It is amazing what happens when you are not looking.

What else is going on... Owen turns 1 in 13 days which is pretty exciting. I see that my John and Patri survived Maia's birthday so hopefully we can do the same. We have planned a party on the 11th which coincides with the start of the English Premier League season.

I am also fortunate to be assigned to the SAP project here at work. SAP stands for Systeme, Anwendungen und Produkte in der Datenverarbeitung ("Systems, Applications and Products in Data Processing"). Yes, that is German if you are wondering. This project is huge for our organization in trying to modernize our systems to the 21st century. This is no small task because we are upgrading from 20 year old technology. In IT terms that is like going from a Model T to a Ferrari Modena 360.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Golf is Not Great!

My scorecard from last night: par, par, triple, bogey, triple, bogey, bogey, birdie, par. In numbers that is: 5, 3, 7, 4, 7, 4, 5, 3, 5 which totals 43. That is terrible for me but I know I should not complain since most golfers only dream of such scores.

Weather note: IT IS HOT!! Supposed to be 96 in Cincinnati today with humidity of 100000%. I know I should not complain about that either since J, P & M are dealing with sun like temperatures in Rapid City.

I hope all is well in the four corners of our great nation. I can't wait to see everyone in 4 short weeks! That is all for now...