Thursday, December 27, 2007

The Great White North

Well, we had an eventful Christmas around the Gong household. We had what would be called baby drama I suppose. We found out shortly before coming to the Good Land that one of Wendy's cousins had a baby. Wendy's mom did not even know she was pregnant and we are talking about the family in Wisconsin the Gong's are closest to! If you want the full story call Wendy or Dora, it is jacked up.

What else...

Owen made out like a bandit this year while his parents did not get much of anything. I cannot even begin to count the number of toys that were opened just here in Milwaukee. Never mind all of the stuff that was already received in Cincinnati. I hope Owen is happy because he is not going to get anything new for a while.

Guitar Hero III rules. I finally was able to play this best selling game yesterday at Von's place. He finally bought a house and we played cousin Ken's Wii. Another thing that rules. Wendy really liked Guitar Hero III so there is hope for a new console gaming system in the house yet! It's all apart of my plan to take over the world. Muhahahaha.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

It's Been A While

Hello people. Yes, I have not updated my blog in a long time so I guess there is nothing like the present. Not much has been going on lately. Work has been busy with all of the end of year stuff going on around Luxottica Retail as well as getting ready for SAP.

Owen is running around like a crazy man. Check out the NEW and IMPROVED Picasa site for photos. Wendy has the most recent website on her blog, I will update mine shortly. We are also trying to update YouTube as well to get some funny vids out there of the little man doing bazaar things.

Now that college football is over I have moved on to college basketball and the English Premier League full time for my sporting entertainment. SU basketball might have a tough year, our best player just went down with a torn ACL, not good. Newcastle sits in 10th place in the EPL and well, they have won the last couple of games but it's been UGLY. Function over form I guess but it is tough to watch.

We are once again headed up NORTH to the Good Land for Christmas. I am not saying holidays because it kind of makes me mad that we have done our best as a culture to not recognize anything anymore. Anyway, I digress. We'll see how Owen copes with being in a much smaller abode than our own. When we were in Milwaukee for Thanksgiving he got some serious cabin fever because he is used to a ton of space to run around in. Hopefully it will not be as bad as last time, we shall see.

I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!