So last night was a momentous occasion but not for good reasons. We are in the belief that Owen should eat what we eat since he has teeth and can chew etc. Well, last night that was not working very well so we had to have some recourse. Owen, after much debate as to whether or not he was going to eat anything, decided he was going to throw his fork at Wendy. Wendy replies "That is enough!" I grab Owen, put him in a chair facing the wall and told him to stay there.
Well of course since his world has now ended he wails but stuff his whole hand in his mouth while he is still crying. So out comes this whimper more or less instead of a full fledged cry. He also does his best not to face us. He clearly is facing 180 degrees away from the dinner table.
After a period of time I go and pick him up and he immediately puts his head on my shoulder. The other funny thing he does is deliberately not look at Wendy. Every time I turn so he can look at her he would pick up his head and look the other way. Finally he did not feel like lifting his head up anymore so he gives Mom the serious stink eye since she is the one who clearly ruined his life!
So what did Owen eat do you say? Avocado and cheese, what a meal.