Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Owen and The Kitchen

Owen Video of hime goofing around at dinner:

Owen Video

We also did an upgrade to the kitchen by replacing our crappy white counter tops with new beautiful granite ones. Check out the pics below:

We still have a few things to do to the kitchen before we are satisfied including new paint, new appliances, except the fridge, and new lighting over the island. All in due time.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Nana & Papa Are Coming, Nana & Papa Are Coming!

Nana and Papa Riker are coming to Cincinnati for a few days to hopefully watch their grandson Owen take his first steps around the house by himself. I am sure this will be another proud moment for him when it does happen. It seems like when ever he does something important for the first time he instantly recognizes his achievement. The smile that comes across his face is hilarious because he is so damn proud of himself. It's the little things right?

What else...

Wendy has been busy as heck with her Mr. Clean, Mr. Clean, Mr. Clean projects. I think maybe I should get one of those magnet's for the side of the Big Red Beast that says "OWEN TRANSPORT". That would be funny I think, sort of, well, maybe.

I guess the other big news is that we are replacing the counter tops in our kitchen with granite. That's right, we don't mess around. I cannot wait til that is done, it should look amazing I believe.

I hope all is well in the hinterlands and I will talk to everyone soon.