Monday, January 29, 2007

24 starts in 44 minutes, I can't wait, this show rules. My wife and I both love it. Something we both like and can enjoy watching together. Believe me, our TV watching habits are extremely different.

Mondays are kind of tough for the O-Monster. A) he doesn't want to eat from the bottle according to Barb, the woman watching our son and B) after a weekend of rest and relaxation for the boy, he is a crab apple because his wonderful schedule gets all out of whack. What about us Owen? Hmmm? Ha, just kidding of course... maybe. :)

NUFC do indeed look like they are going to sign Oguchi Onyewu, one of the biggest football (soccer) players I have ever seen. He is built for the Premiership, I can't wait to see him run someone over. Here is a picture of the big guy below...

My brother deployed overseas yesterday. It feels kind of bazaar knowing that he is going to be many miles away in a foreign land serving his country. It is a very surreal moment and Patri will be home with Maia for 6 months while John hangs out far, far away. No worries, we will be seeing her in 54 days and we all cannot wait. Puerto Rico watch out, the Rikers are coming!

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