Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The Democrat Debate

If you missed it the Democrats did a debate last night and answered questions via You Tube. What a novel idea, trying to answer questions straight from John Q. Public. The thing that is frustrating is how every candidate, in some cases, talked about policy rather than answering the question.

Politics. I wish I could make a wish, like Jim Carrey's son in Liar Liar, to have everyone tell the blatant truth for a whole debate. That would be truly amazing. Below is the link to the transcript of the debate.


I am not a registered Democrat but if I were, I would vote for John Edwards. Much of what is in this transcript says why I would vote this way. Look at the answers, look who is talking common sense vs. doing the circle route on the questions. I hope lots of people agree with me, it would do this country a lot of good.

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