Monday, August 06, 2007

Heat Advisory

Some people are getting rained on every day, some people get no rain and their lawns die. Below is a picture of my back yard and as you can see someone has built a pyramid back there. It is amazing what happens when you are not looking.

What else is going on... Owen turns 1 in 13 days which is pretty exciting. I see that my John and Patri survived Maia's birthday so hopefully we can do the same. We have planned a party on the 11th which coincides with the start of the English Premier League season.

I am also fortunate to be assigned to the SAP project here at work. SAP stands for Systeme, Anwendungen und Produkte in der Datenverarbeitung ("Systems, Applications and Products in Data Processing"). Yes, that is German if you are wondering. This project is huge for our organization in trying to modernize our systems to the 21st century. This is no small task because we are upgrading from 20 year old technology. In IT terms that is like going from a Model T to a Ferrari Modena 360.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We always knew you were a sap :) Good Luck with teh new project.