Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Garlic Permeates

Last night Wendy and I decided we wanted to make Dinosaur's Motha Sauce. It's awesome once made but it requires a ridiculous amount of garlic. I think I used 5 or 6 cloves for the required amount. Anyway, I have washed my hands to the bone practically because all I can smell is garlic! However this does not seem to have worked because I think the garlic entered into my soul and is now coming out of every pore in my body. It's a good thing I am married because I would not be getting any dates. Wendy says "At least you are safe from vampires." I guess I have that going for me at least!


ma said...

That sauce is worth the effort.

sweet p. said...

scrub your hands under running water with some stainless steel - like a spoon or something - it will take the smell right off your hands. as for the rest of the smell - you'll just have to wait it out!