Saturday, March 10, 2007

4 AM Meltdown and Serving Sizes

This morning we experienced the 4 AM meltdown by one Owen Riker. It was completely out of the blue which makes it kind of funny. Normally he works himself up to the primal screaming and it's usually a slow process. Not this morning, 0 - 100 in a nanosecond. So after laughing for a couple of minutes I went and got him so he could graze on mom.

Wendy and were talking about serving sizes today in the car on the way to mall. I was making the comment that if I was a cookie company, for example, I would double what a serving size should be. Wendy was eating these graham stick things and the serving size says 14 which equates to 130 calories. I said I would make it 28 cookies and 260 calories. Are companies not allowed to set serving size? Does it have to equal say, 8 ounces or something? Does it have to equal 130 calories? I am just wondering if there is anyone out there that knows the answer to these questions. Maybe Wikipedia has the answer...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Too bad about will be better for your sanity that they didn't get in the madness. They should have won more games. ma